More than just a safety net in times of tragedy, hope is present every day in a knight’s positive outlook and cheerful demeanor - the “shining armor” that shields him or her, and inspires people all around.
Although this word is sometimes confused with “entitlement” or “snobbishness,” in the code of chivalry it conveys the importance of upholding one’s convictions at all times, especially when no one else is watching. In the code of chivalry, “faith” means trust and integrity, and a knight is always faithful to his or her promises, no matter how big or small they may be. Sharing what’s valuable in life means not just giving away material goods, but also time, attention, wisdom and energy - the things that create a strong, rich and diverse community. Words and attitudes can be painful weapons, which is why a knight exercises mercy in his or her dealings with others, creating a sense of peace and community, rather than engendering hostility and antagonism. A knight holds him- or herself to the highest standard of behavior, and knows that “fudging” on the little rules weakens the fabric of society for everyone. More than bravado or bluster, a knight must have the courage of the heart necessary to undertake tasks which are difficult, tedious or unglamorous, and to graciously accept the sacrifices involved. Be sure to address the “Seven Knightly Virtues” in your code, as well. Please enter the Code provided in the email to verify your email address. Use the questions below to help you develop your code. TASK #2: Create your own modern day code of chivalry a code you promise to live by. you looking for some of these general beliefs. However, many of them followed a consistent set of beliefs, which were recorded in writing during medieval times. Remember there was not ONE exact code of chivalry used by all knights. Be sure to check at least 2 sources to be sure your information is accurate. TASK #1: Research medieval knights' codes of chivalry. The term “chivalry” is derived from the Middle French word chevalerie, meaning “warrior on horseback.” Chivalry came to mean a code of behavior that medieval knights followed. So, through his poetry, Chaucer described an ideal example of knightly virtues.To accomplish the quest you will research different versions of the Medieval Code of Chivalry. The Knight does not boast about his achievements or demand praise.

But he is also hard-working, modest, and generous. The code of chivalry emphasized bravery, military skill, generosity in victory. The Knight is “the most distinguished man” who is known by many as a great person and a valiant hero. The methods of training and standards of behavior for knights in the Middle Ages. At the same time, a knight should not think that he is better than others, preserving humility and piety in his heart.īy now, you should see that the nature of chivalry that lies at the center of the code has two sides. A knight also should be generous and wise, offering help to those who need it. For example, such moral principles as honor and loyalty are a part of this medieval world. This code is often viewed as synonymous with a knighthood, and it lists traits that are also known as knightly virtues. The characteristics that Geoffery Chaucer assigns to the Knight are all elements of the code of chivalry. But then, Chaucer talks about the Knight’s appearance – his clothes are plain, and the man has simple manners. Other characters think of the Knight as a trustworthy and respectable man. The author describes the protagonist as a “ reputable man” who is courteous, honored by others for his achievements, and loyal to the king. The Knight is the main character of the first tale in Canterbury Tales. This means that he respects honor and truth, and he chooses humility over vanity. In Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, the Knight is chivalrous because he follows the chivalric code.