
Kite tenjo arc v
Kite tenjo arc v

kite tenjo arc v

This is all using base ZEXAL Kite, peak Kite (from the Mizar moon duel), also gets access to a number of boss monsters that are simply on a different level: Prime Photon Dragon (4000 ATK, Number immunity, major ATK boosting, can return with multiplied ATK if it ever leaves the field in any way), Dyson Sphere (2800 ATK, Number immunity, can negate attacks and can direct attack if the opponent has a higher ATK card) and, most of all, Dragluon (3000 ATK, Number immunity, can't be targeted for effects or attacks, negates the effects of Dragon-Types controlled by the opponent, allows for special summoning dragons ignoring summoning conditions or taking control of the opponent's dragon monsters). Kite's deck has decent protection from battle/effect damage and banishing, as well as some comeback ability through bringing back monsters from the graveyard, so I think his chances are still better despite that weakness, but Kaiba can really do a number on him if he gets access to the right cards early enough/if Kite has the misfortune of having a hand made up primarily of cards which can't be used unless the opponent has XYZ monsters. There are a few things that might complicate things for Kite though, namely that a number of his cards are built with countering/taking advantage of XYZ monsters in mind (making them useless draws against Kaiba) and that Kaiba's deck does contain a few cards which would absolutely destroy his strategy ( Kaiba's Crush Card Virus and Virus Cannon would devastate Kite's heavily spell dependent power deck). Kaiba will have a really hard time hanging on if Kite gets his board going, even more so due to devastating spell cards like Destiny Overlay (can use Kaiba's own monsters for an XYZ summon) or powerful boss monsters like Neo Galaxy-Eyes (which would disable all of Kaiba's effect monsters, aside from it's immense ATK). Kite's deck can also boost offensive ability further via giving his monsters additional attacks (Miracle Galaxy) or inflicting consistent and heavy burn damage multiple times per turn (Photon World). Kite would likely have the advantage, his deck is built to swarm the field and put really high powered monsters on the board fast and so the power advantage Kaiba is used to having would not apply (in the least, Kite's basic monsters tend to have 2000 ATK and upwards and he also uses Numbers cards, which means destruction by battle is not even available to Kaiba for a number of monsters).

Kite tenjo arc v