- #Persistence of vision 3d clock software#
- #Persistence of vision 3d clock code#
- #Persistence of vision 3d clock plus#
I built another propeller clock using smaller ultra-bright green 3mm LEDs. I also made a few modifications to the original schematic on Bob Blick's website I added a zener to regulate the voltage from the armature of the motor to 5V for the PIC so the motor could run at higher speeds with the clock having only 5V. However, this was not easy for me to obtain, so I replaced it with a miniature 3V lithium watch battery, which works nicely. 047F capacitor was absolutely necessary to keep the PIC powered up so you can set the time. Since this clock does not obtain power independently from the motor like the original, a.
#Persistence of vision 3d clock plus#
I used a ball bearing from a VCR head to hold the top end of the motor in place, plus some other parts from cassette tape players. I was fortunate to pull this off with this motor, since all other previous motors failed to run smoothly when I was building the original clock. I decided to build this clock using the classic Bob Blick style, obtaining power from the armature of the motor. I found a nice motor in my junk pile that probably was used in an old laserdisc player if I remember correctly.
#Persistence of vision 3d clock code#
I reused some parts from the original clock including the PIC and also used a revised code somewhere on the internet to add the seconds to the display. Also the board was built a year before the clock was actually up and running so there were several modifications on the wiring, which resulted in some brittle connections and intermittent operation so I just needed to build a new one. However, the original propeller clock had some problems with the sliding contact being eaten away due to friction over time. I decided to rebuild the original propeller clock using higher intensity 5mm LEDs. The program for the PIC can be found at Bob Blick's website, the filename is MCLOCK8.HEX and is located on the Propeller Clock page in the Technical Information and Projects section. You could turn off the motor and still set the clock, which omitted the need of a. One advantage from this overall modification is the fact you can provide variable speeds on the motor, since the power to the motor is completely independent of the power to the clock. Therefore, I replaced the wire with an infrared sensor and installed an infrared LED on the side of the motor. This worked but I was not satisfied by the display occassionally wobbling because the flexible wire does not always keep its position after it hits the notch and also this caused a soft clicking sound that was irritating. I put a small notch on the outer end of the washer and put a pick-up wire on the spinning board to pick up the pulse from the notch. The original design obtains the reference point from one of the terminals on the armature. This modification worked very well, but there was the problem of providing a display reference point for the clock.

The spinning board obtains the 5V through a sliding contact to the washer, and ground through the spinning center of the motor that is also part of the grounded body. The metal case of the motor is connected to ground, and the washer was connected to 5V. Instead, I put a rubber plate above an unmodified DC motor for insulation and a washer on top. 047F (FARAD) capacitor for memory and I did not have a such capacitor on hand, so I decided to make some modifications. I also learned that the original design had a. I have tried this modification on two motors and the results were not very satisfactory either it resulted the motor rattling a little or it did not work efficiently. The original design took the power off the spinning armature of a DC motor and converted it to striaght DC for the clock. One major modification of Bob Blick's design is providing power to the spinning assembly. I finally gave up and bought a kit programmer that was not very good either but after fiddling with the software, I managed to program a PIC successfully.
#Persistence of vision 3d clock software#
I originally built over five homemade programmers with various software available over the internet, all of which failed to program the PIC. I'd have to admit that the programming end of things was more difficult than building the clock itself in the beginning. The first design of the clock was mainly a clone of Bob Blick's propeller clock along with a few modifications of mine.

The persistence of vision (POV) propeller clock is one of the most neat projects to build using a PIC or some other low cost microcontroller. Interested in building a persistence of vision clock or display? Buy the Catahoula Technologies POV Display kit.